seems like a empty return, returns the last status. question is how was the status set to 1? It happened in the condition, since the condition was wrong it return 1, since return is empty it returned the last status. to fix, return 0; also, the same logic applys to[…]
get return status from background process
this gets the process id for the background process you just ran now sleep for 2 seconds and see if the process still exists if you get this message that means the process died. If the process was meant to last longer, it is safe to come to the conclusion[…]
Why does a rds cluster take so long to provision
find out what type of shell you are in interactive or non interactive
for loop through lines in string
this works, version below does’nt
sms using aws sns
without a origination number messages look like this make sure to choose transactional. Messages get sent immediately with no fail rate. Requests for long codes and toll-free numbers are usually approved immediately. If your request is approved, you can access your new phone numbers on the Phone numbers tab of the SMS[…]
wordpress: show post meta data (custom fields) in custom post types
you can execute this same code even though the custom post type exists. it will only add what changed.