simply because this condition block is in the end of its parent block this OR gets hit, but if I put it above the last line everything works fine; when I did this (the condition goes through), everything works fine I realized that when you want to exit within a[…]
docker.errors.NullResource: Resource ID was not provided
no Image was given in this instance FRONT_END_IMAGE was not set
bash: for loop through directory
not putting directory in string causes issues
jq: get property value without quotes
by default, jq gives you the value of a string json property within quotes. To avoid that the “-r” option is applied
String to array using a delimeter
the space between / and } is very important. Without it, the splitting does not occur. Instead it replaces the “:” with an empty space
invalid semver:
this is how its suppose to look set version property in package.json
Remove the ‘private’ field from the package.json to publish it.
yum update error: Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was 14: curl#60 – “SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired”
look for webtatic in everyfile in directory yum update
exit when curl fails
I wanted curl to fail when it thorugh a request error above 400. but it was’nt. $? was not giving me a error code above 0. so the only way I can tell if a error was thrown is if I combed the string for a particular pattern. but then[…]