usually contact form will give you an error if something is wrong within the mail tab seems as if we are good, but i am not getting an email to my inbox under mail 2 contact form sends over an email to the admin if the email did not make[…]
No such file or directory: ‘/var/log/letsencrypt/.certbot.lock’
I deleted this folder not knowing that there was an important file in there I removed the folder, restarted the container and we were good
wordpress: age input wont let me correct it
Fort some reason when I put in the wrong age, then hit the submit button it gives me an error like it supposed to but then wont let me correct it and submit again. added this and it fixed it
wordpress: Could not find excerpt
could not find out where the excerpt was coming from so I exported out my db and did a find for a string. this is the name of the column name
wordpress: open graph
stripe test mode
wordpress: pay pal + stripe addon, contact form 7, post my cf7
stripe, customers not receiving receipt after successful purchase or
wordpress: stripe integration, contact form 7, post my cf7 had major issues, had to hack away at following files Above code fixed it This is where the stripe integration comes in
Regex in bash
that escaping of the plus sign annoys me The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5 pcre (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) alot cleaner