either means you have a old version of docker or you need to restart the docker app
Increasing quota sns
per month, I definitely didn’t go over, not sure why they set this on me https://aws.amazon.com/sns/sms-pricing/ 1/0.00581 Hello, Thank you for submitting your limit increase request. We are unable to grant your increase request at this time because you are not using your current SMS limit. Your current SMS limit[…]
multiline find and replace regex perl
heres the string https://www.xmodulo.com/search-and-replace-multi-line-string.html The -0 option turns Perl into “file slurp” mode, where Perl reads the entire input file in one shot (intead of line by line). This enables multi-line search and replace. better version below https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/whatever/regex+ignore+newline Great resources https://jkorpela.fi/perl/regexp.html
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
I created a ssh key I then attempted to add the key to the SSH authentication agent and got this error because I named the ssh key a non conventional name (id_gitlab_selectiont), the following steps are required now we good
appending all passed arguments to another command
this will cause problems because of the double quotes
https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-deal-with-the-remote-host-identification-has-changed-message-with-github-1dea015dae8d or
Install Gitlab
https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/docker.html the default username is root, now lets get the default password {container name} being the name of your container lets create a access token Creating SSH keys to push since I named the ssh key a non conventional name, I must put the host in the ~/.shh/config file
Backup gitlab docker
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
if there is already data on drive that you don’t care about it. format the drive https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ebs-using-volumes.html then mount